Main Character: Michael Elliott

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Michael Elliott is a crime reporter and the second main character in my Megan Scott/Michael Elliott Mystery series. His criminal investigations thrust him into unpredictable situations where danger often lurks—a sharp contrast to the organized, behind-the-scenes lifestyle of my other main character, ghostwriter Megan Scott.

I had the opportunity to interview Michael several years ago (in my pretend world, of course). For readers who might not yet be acquainted with him, here’s an excerpt from our conversation:

Michael, tell us how you and Megan Scott became involved in the double murder investigation portrayed in False Impressions, the first book in the series.

Megan and I knew each other professionally. After her husband was killed, the police began to suspect that she and I had had an affair. It blew my mind. Truth is, I don’t date married women. Before we knew it, the police labeled us as prime suspects.

What specific incidents would you like to forget regarding the murder investigation, and do they still affect you now?

There’s no way I can ever forget what happened. The police search of my place, their frequent interrogations, the killer’s threats, more dead bodies…. My life turned into a living hell, but I think the ordeal was worse for Megan. She didn’t deserve any of it. Time is a great healer, though. It helped put our lives back on track.

You occasionally assist the police by supplying them with information obtained through your work. As an investigative reporter, you’ve probably met your share of shady characters. Has the inherent danger of the job ever discouraged you?

It’s a two-way street. My informants give me inside info. In return, I protect their identity. In my line of work, I go with my gut feelings but keep my guard up. You never know what might come at you in a dark alley. To keep fit, I pump iron and jog every day.

You’ve gradually involved Megan in your investigative work. Why?

Sometimes it’s less conspicuous to work as a team than to work solo. Most of all, I value Megan’s input because she has a different way of looking at things—not to mention her talent for noticing details. She seems truly interested in my work, but I suspect she just wants to tag along to keep me out of danger. She thinks I take too many risks.

Let’s talk about a topic close to your heart. Do you see a future with Megan?

We’ll definitely be investigating more cases together. Oh…you’re referring to our personal relationship, right? Sorry, you’ll have to follow the series to find out how it’s all going to turn out.

Thank you, Michael.


Readers, please note that each novel in my series is a standalone and doesn’t have to be read in sequence. Visit the Books page on this website to learn more about my books and find the link to your preferred retailer.